As you progress in Taekwon-Do you will be tested by an external examiner at club gradings. The grading process is very important to both your training and the growth of the GTUK. Gradings are designed to improve your techniques and maintain your enthusiasm, whilst being a test of both your physical and mental strength. There are ten gradings before you reach you Black Belt. You will be expected to take four of these gradings per year (up to Blue Belt) and then three per year until you are ready to take your Black Belt grading. By successfully competing your gradings you will be awarded a belt. The colour of your belt is a representation of your ability.
The Rainbow Grades system is a specially designed grading system for children in the GTUK who are under the age of 8. This syallabus works at a similar pace to the National Curriculum in Schools allowing younger students to grade with the rest of the club at a pace which is more appropraite to their level of learning capability. The system adds an additional belt between the full colour belts and the tag belts. Eg. White belt; Double yellow tag; Yellow tag; Yellow belt etc…
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